Restart 2020
Safely Returning to the Classroom
District 196 students and staff will start the 2020-21 school year in a hybrid learning model, with a combination of learning at school and from home, following the state’s localized, data-driven plan to safely reopen schools.
The Minnesota Safe Learning Plan determines the amount of time students can be learning in school buildings based on the COVID-19 case rate and trends of positive cases by county. Public health data and safety guidelines continue to inform development and implementation of our flexible learning models.
Operational Plan for Students, Families & Guests [Español] [Somali]
Direct classroom questions about coursework to the classroom teacher.
COVID-19 Community Testing
All COVID-19 testing is no cost at Minnesota community testing sites. The state is working together with communities to make sure everyone can get tested.
- Sign up for an appointment: COVID-19 Community Testing Sites
- What to expect: Community Testing
- More about nasal swab and saliva tests: Types of COVID-19 Tests
where are students learning?
- Current Model: In-person five days a week
- Current Model: Full-time distance learning
- Secondary students will begin transitioning to a hybrid learning model (in-person learning two days per week) on Feb. 22.
How HYBRID works
Students will attend school in person two days each week, in A and B cohorts. Cohort A will be at school Mondays and Thursdays, and Cohort B will be at school Tuesdays and Fridays. Each cohort will be approximately half of students enrolled in the current class. On other days, students will be learning from home. Cohorts will be determined for all grade levels alphabetically (or by family) so students living in the same household attend school in person on the same days.
196 Digital Academy: Full-time Distance Learning Option
There is also a full-time distance learning option called 196 Digital Academy for families who do not want their children to attend school in person. The 196 Digital Academy has been redesigned from the emergency distance learning model that was implemented in the spring to a more consistent educational experience. The registration for 196 Digital Academy closed August 14, 2020.
Most importantly, our plan is rooted in providing equitable access to high-quality education, protecting the health and safety of students, staff and families, and being proactive in our response to this unprecedented challenge. Schools are a place where relationships matter. And as a community, it is important we remain connected and collaborative in our work to provide students with the best education possible.
District 196 School Board Approves Hybrid
On August 10, the District 196 School Board approved a resolution adopting the 2020-21 Flexible Learning Plan establishing a base learning model in which students will begin the school year in a hybrid learning model.
Learning Models
District 196 is planning three learning models: Full-time distance learning; a hybrid model that includes some in-person learning and an opt-in, full-time distance learning opportunity called 196 Digital Academy (available during the hybrid and in-person models, and a full-time in-person model. Public health data determines what model our district will select.
Distance Learning
Full-time distance learning where all students preK-12 are learning digitally at home.
Model 2
Hybrid OR
196 Digital Academy
Hybrid: An A/B alternating schedule (current) that allows all students to participate in two days of in-person learning, with three days of distance learning.
196 Digital Academy: Full-time distance learning options where students can opt-in.
Model 3
In Person
Full-time, in-person learning, except for those who continue to opt-in to 196 Digital Academy.
News & Updates
Flexible Learning Plan - Restart 2020
Restart 2020 Safety Procedures
Frequently Asked Questions
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We'll continue to update this page as the situation changes. ... Please check back regularly for updates.